Our Buildings
Our four unique buildings attract the attention of residents and visitors to our community. The society is committed to developing and maintaining the museum, historical resources, and outreach activities. An extensive input of volunteer hours, donations, and fund raising are required and the society is ready to welcome new members. Membership fees and the income raised by community activities such as the Antique Show, Canada Day Strawberry Shortcake sales, Share the Wealth lottery and quilt raffle provide a portion of the funding base for the museum.
We have been fortunate to receive grants from the South Lake Community Futures Development Corporation and from The Trillium Foundation which allowed us to make extensive upgrades to our buildings and equipment including new roofs, painting, foundation work, windows, sunscreen film on windows, microfilm reader/printer, a computer, and scanners.

The Log House
The settlers’ log house depicts life in the earliest days of our community. The summer kitchen add-on is furnished at a little later period to show life when stoves had replaced fireplaces for cooking and a few kitchen gadgets had come into use. The second storey has a display of pioneer tools and small farm implements.
The William Brain Brick House
Life at the turn of the century is portrayed in a two-storey brick house.

The Old Jail
The latest building to be moved to the complex (this time without any government funding) is the Old Stone Jail. It was relocated in 1995 from the downtown area (to escape demolition), making way for a new TD Bank (now TD Canada Trust).
The Meeting Place
The Meeting Place houses the office, storage areas, archives, and a meeting hall. A bell tower and new roof were added in 2005.